[SPIE-PHOTONICS EUROPE 2020] Digital Forum Announced | Strasbourg Event Cancelled

LATEST INFORMATION from SPIE March 17, 2020 Digital Forum Announced | Strasbourg Event Cancelled The SPIE Photonics Europe in-person meeting and exhibition is cancelled. The conference programme will now be transitioning to a Digital Forum. After announcing postponement, SPIE reached out to our event leadership, volunteers, and the hosting facility to organize an event...

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[SPIE-PHOTONICS WEST 2020] Rencontrez SEDI-ATI sur le stand 957G

Du 4 au 6 février 2020, rencontrez SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques au salon Photonics West, à San Francisco! Nous exposerons nos nouveaux produits sur le Pavillon France, stand 957G : traversée étanche sur ruban de fibres optiques pour applications vide connecteur NANOXtreme® de toute petite taille, qualifié pour les applications MIL-AERO connecteur FCXtreme® à...

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[SPIE-PHOTONICS EUROPE 2018] Rencontrez SEDI-ATI sur le stand G-211

Rencontrons-nous à PHOTONICS EUROPE 2018, les 24 et 25 avril. SEDI-ATI exposera sur le stand G-211. Voir nos récentes publications sur spie.org : http://spie.org/conferences-and-exhibitions/photonics-europe/exhibition Strasbourg Convention & Exhibition Centre, Strasbourg – France Publication 1 : SEDI-ATI offers customized and optimized fiber optical solutions for Harsh and Extreme environments Publication 2 : SEDI-ATI offers feedthroughs...

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