Toute l’actualité de SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques

[VIDEO] SEDI-ATI disposable optical fiber spools for land and sea exploration

Fiber optic tethers can be used to remotely control different types of vehicles, bringing back video signal or other sensor information as well as transmitting commands. This disposable spool offers in a very compact and lightweight package a precision wound, untwisted optical fiber for long distance pay out avoiding heavy,...

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[SPIE-PHOTONICS EUROPE 2018] Rencontrez SEDI-ATI sur le stand G-211

Rencontrons-nous à PHOTONICS EUROPE 2018, les 24 et 25 avril. SEDI-ATI exposera sur le stand G-211. Voir nos récentes publications sur : Strasbourg Convention & Exhibition Centre, Strasbourg – France Publication 1 : SEDI-ATI offers customized and optimized fiber optical solutions for Harsh and Extreme environments Publication 2 : SEDI-ATI offers feedthroughs...

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[MEDICA 2017] SEDI-ATI en voyage d’affaires à Medica Dusseldorf

Laser, sondes médicales, cordons de puissance… SEDI-ATI sera en visite à MEDICA pour découvrir de nouveaux champs d'applications et déclencher de nouvelles opportunités d'affaires autour de son savoir-faire spécifique dans la mise en oeuvre de fibres optiques répondant aux contraintes du secteur médical. Nous en profiterons pour rendre visite...

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JFV@HS acquires SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques

J-F VINCHANT HOLDING STRATEGY (JFV@HS), chaired by Jean-François VINCHANT and accompanied by IDF Capital, announces today the acquisition of 100% shares from SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques located in Courcouronnes France. This acquisition aims not only to pursue what was built by founders, Patrice and François-Louis MALAVIEILLE, who will bring their strong...

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