A French company specialized in fiber-optic assemblies that withstand extreme environments
Our business
SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques is a French company specializing in designing and manufacturing custom-made passive fiber-optic assemblies tailored to specific, complex, and extreme environments.
Indeed, our solutions are meant to survive very hostile conditions such as cryogenics, very high temperatures, vacuum, pressure, corrosion, or radiation.
We address very demanding applications in the military, aerospace, industrial, medical, and research markets.
We have developed specific solutions able to withstand hostile conditions: highly achromatic multimode couplers, multimode wavelength division multiplexers for sensing applications, opto-pyrotechnics, miniature fiber-optic links and connectors, pressure and vacuum fiber-optic hermetic feedthroughs, bundles and arrays for spectroscopy applications, special patchcords, deployable fiber-optic spools to drive unmanned vehicles, and medical probes.
The company is ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified
SEDI-ATI works with every optical fiber provider and can supply any type of optical fibers to manufacture its components.
- Singlemode: low wavelength, polarisation maintaining
- Multimode: gradient index, step index
- Fields of application: UV-VIS-IR from 180 nm to 14 µm
- Materials: silica/silica (doped, ultra pure…), silica/polymer (HCS hard-clad silica), sapphire, fluoride glass (fluorozirconate, fluoroaluminate, …), chalcogenides glass (CIR), silver halide (PIR), hollow fiber, plastic (standard and scintillant)…
- Coatings: acrylate, nylon, ETFE, polyimide, metal (aluminium, copper, gold)…
- Fiber core type: circular, square, rectangular, octagonal
- Extreme environments: solarisation resistant, rad-hard, biocompatibility, extreme temperatures (from -273 °C to +1000 °C)…
We have a permanent stock of more than a hundred references of various optical fibers, and we have developed a strong expertise enabling us to choose the most appropriate optical fibers matching our customer’s applications.
The company SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques is the result of the merger in 2012 of ATI Optique, established in 1951 and its sister company SEDI Fibres Optiques, established in 1972. In July 2016 J-F Vinchant Holding Strategy (JFV@HS), chaired by Jean-François VINCHANT, accompanied by IDF Capital, acquired SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques. This acquisition not only pursues what was built by the founders but also aims at boosting a new dynamic on the optical fiber components market, especially for extreme environments and for medical applications, with a stronger focus on exportation.
ATI Optique
ATI Optique was founded by Louis Malavieille.
- “Alliance Technique Industrielle”
- R&D and manufacturing
SEDI Fibres Optiques
SEDI Fibres Optiques was co-founded by Patrice and François-Louis Malavieille.
- “Société Européenne de Distribution Industrielle”
- marketing and sales
SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques
ATI Optique and SEDI Fibres Optiques merged their activities.
A rejuvenated visual identity
A new corporate website
Major areas of focus
- extreme environments
- medical
- export
Our values
Management values are essential not only for customers and partners but for employees as well.
- Listening to our partners: customers, suppliers, employees, institutions, …
- Benevolence towards them
- Satisfaction of our partners
- Teamwork for a close collaboration with our partners
- Loyal and faithful relationship
- Passion for technological and societal issues
- Innovation at the heart of our projects
- Surpassing ourselves to push our limits
- Living up to our challenges
- Culture of quality and results
- High level of expertise
- Increase in skills
- A socially responsible company
- Integrity of our behavior
- Sovereignty and French independence
These values are based on the following principles:
- Maintain trustful relationships with partners to offer optimal solutions and technical advice
- Maintain flexibility and agility for proven responsiveness.
- Maintain the highest level of quality of products and solutions delivered.
This can be achieved through:
- A cohesive team focused on company, personnel, and partners satisfaction
- Promote responsibility and leadership at all levels
- Make decisions at the right level of responsibility
Meet our team
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- Financial
- Human ressources
- Management committee
- Marketing
- Production
- Purchasing
- Quality
- R&D
- Sales
Emmanuel LECLERC
Sofiane BAHBAH
Jean-Marc SOREL
Herve AUBE
Jean-François VINCHANT
Legal information
S.A.S. with share capital of 1.265.828 euros
SIRET : 722 043 775 00047
NAF : 2670 Z
VAT identification number : FR87 722 043 775