
Research applications

The sector of research is keen on innovations involving optical fiber components. SEDI-ATI has a long-term experience in designing and prototyping custom and complex optical fiber assemblies for research centers. We provide solutions for ground and underwater telescopes, as well as for particle accelerators, and even for dosimetry monitoring.

I describe my application and my need

Thumbnail image for SEDI-ATI astronomy applications
Thumbnail image for SEDI-ATI particle physics applications
Particle Physics
Thumbnail image for SEDI-ATI dosimetry applications
Dosimetry Monitoring


Fiber optic solutions for astronomy

The sector of research is keen on innovations involving optical fiber components. SEDI-ATI has long-term experience in designing and prototyping custom and complex optical fiber assemblies for research centers. We provide solutions for ground and underwater telescopes, as well as for particle accelerators, and even for dosimetry monitoring.

Case Studies

MOONS: the Multi-Object Optical and NIR Spectrograph of the VLT
MOONS: the Multi-Object Optical and NIR Spectrograph of the VLT
GIRAFFE : le spectrographe multi-fibres du VLT révélant la naissance des galaxies
GIRAFFE : le spectrographe multi-fibres du VLT révélant la naissance des galaxies
WEAVE: the multi-fiber spectrograph that will unravel great mysteries of the Universe

I describe my application and my need

Particle Physics

Fiber optic solutions for particle physics

Case Studies

ANTARES telescope to detect neutrinos from the depths of the abyss
ANTARES telescope to detect neutrinos from the depths of the abyss

I describe my application and my need

Dosimetry Monitoring

Fiber optic solutions for dosimetry

Case Studies

Real-time detection of contaminants in drinking water
Real-time detection of contaminants in drinking water
Scintillating fiber dosimeter for radiology
Scintillating fiber dosimeter for radiology

I describe my application and my need