1x2 high directivity fiber optic multimode couplers

Key features

  • GI50/125 or GI62.5/125 fibers
  • UV to IR wavelength range
  • high directivity
  • mode insensitivity
  • achromaticity
  • stable coupling ratio
  • high reliability
  • low insertion loss
  • custom configurations available

1x2 high directivity fiber optic multimode couplers

SEDI-ATI’s high directivity multimode couplers are ideal for optical metrology and sensing applications where the dynamic range of the sensor is a key parameter.

Indeed, for these types of applications, high directivity is a fabulous advantage! Actually, high directivity is essential to minimize the light that can pass directly from the injection port of the 1×2 coupler (port 1: light source) to the detection port (port 2: detector).

In a round trip configuration (depending on the launch condition), the insertion loss from port 1 to port 2 is < 6.5 dB with a total reflection at the common port 3. This way a minimal mismatch between the input and the reflected signal is achieved!

Besides, the main other benefits of SEDI-ATI’s high directivity fiber-optic multimode couplers are mode insensitivity and achromaticity.

These couplers can be manufactured with any Graded Index fiber types such as GI50/125 μm with directivity as high as > 55 dB or GI62.5/125 μm with directivity as high as > 45 dB.

In addition, for high-power UV applications, we have developed the HDS series which can handle as much as 2 W @ 420 nm.

Finally, our high directivity fiber-optic multimode couplers are also available with different coupling ratios and fiber lengths upon request.

Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.